Ets. A. Pilloy
Company name : Pilloy Alain, general food wholesaler
Address of the company's registered office: rue des basjaunes, 85, 1490 Court-Saint-Etienne, Belgium
Address of the company's place of business: rue de la Roche, 6, 1470 Genappe, Belgium
Names of company directors: Pilloy Alain
Registration number in the Trade and Companies Register : 21 0068985
Tax identification number: 0659 455 785
Name, denomination or company name and address and telephone number of the host of its site.
The European Commission provides an online dispute resolution (OS) platform. This platform is available at As a customer, you always have the option of contacting the arbitration board of the European Commission. We are neither willing nor obliged to participate in dispute resolution proceedings before a consumer arbitration board.
Tel: 0032 10 61 54 95
Address: 6 rue de la Roche,
1470 Bousval